Two Chinese were lost in Sahara Desert. One is called David Lee, the other is called Micheal Tan. They were dying of hunger and thirst when they suddenly came upon an oasis, with what looked like a minaret of a mosque in the middle. David Lee said to Micheal Tan,
"Look, lets pretend we are Moslems, otherwise these Arabs are going to kill us. I am going to call myself Mohammed,".
Micheal Tan refused to change his name, he said,"My name is Micheal Tan, and I am not going to pretend to be other than what I am... Micheal Tan,".
The Imam of the mosque received both well and asked about their names. David Lee said,
"My name is Mohammed,".
Micheal Tan said,
"My name is Micheal Tan,".
The Imam turned to the helpers of the mosque and said,
"Please bring some food and water for Micheal Tan only,".
Then he turned to the other and said,
"Well Mohammed I hope that you are aware that we are still in the holy month of Ramadhan (fasting month)".
Note : (^__*)
Till Now.

Waaakakakaa......... memang kelakar cerita ni! Kak tie suka sangat !!!
nyesal tak sudah Michael Tan tu...hahaha
Ha.. nak menyamar sangat dan nak memandang orang Islam sebagai musuh sangat.. Hambik.. :)
padang muka...=)
penipu! padan muka...hehehe...gud job krina...sha suka artikel nieh!
ye la... menipu di bulan puasa ni tak baik kan...
alahai tok imam pon org musafir boleh je buka posa..kui kui kui
Betul tu.. bulan-bulan puasa nie tak baik menipu. :)
Hahaha hati mau baik be.
Nak tipupun ingat2lah ni bulan puasa.
hehe.. ambik ko..
Salah time plak nak menipu...
keh..keh..boleh wat modal nak kenakan baba ni..
salam azrina..lama x masuk umah yg ini...'selamat berpuasa yer!
haha...hamek hamek!
ngeh3x try again mat, chayyyokkk n salam ramadhann
salam ramadhan kak rina,
Senyum saya baca citer ni. Kan dah ternganga Davis lee tu. haha. Imam tu strict jugak kan? hahaha
kikikiki!padan muke,nk tipu sgt.pandang je lah member sebelah mkn eh..
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