Thiz morning terlewat bangun… tot nak prepare breakfast for my hubby n kidz… Yealah today is my working Saturday.. Quite boring gak.. sebab for almost 10years keje 5 days a week…Takpelah as long as the office quite near compared to my ex-office. Rush-out cam ribut ari ni… tapi sempat gak g tapau breakfast for me and my colleage.. Aku call hubby lepas reached office, makan roti n jem je…cian tul… Adik tengah nangis pasal tak nak pakai baju siang… nak pakai baju malam pulak c kecik tu… Plan to bring them to watch ‘Geng’ movie ari nie … Upin-Ipin tu… betul-betul-betul… My hubby memang xnak g awal2.. mesti full house.. tapi kena
confirm back ngan him whether jadi ke tak… Kalu jadi g kat cineleasure mutiara d’sara kot… tu the nearest n pot window shopping. Lagipun my hubby nak g beli few stuff for him before leaving to Korea this coming Monday nite… Kalu my hubby in a good mood, leh ajak sekali ke Ikea…he..he..he.. plan sendiri aku nie.. Hubby aku ni besalah.. tak suka big crowd.. sanggup tunggu at home rather than g tempat yang ramai orang..
Nie.. baru je lepas call my hubby, dia suruh aku bawak Along ngan Angah je g watch the movie tu… Risau kalu2 Adik boring… Ni yang wat aku serba salah nie… c what I can do
… Bebudak tu dah xcited bila aku confirm jadi g…. Along kata yang dia akan siapkan Abacus nye homework b4 nak g nanti…. Bersemangat tul… Nanti my hubby will drive the kidz to Bandar Baru Sg. Buloh . Kite g lunch sesama then split… Aku, Along n Angah g watch the movie…. Hubby n Adik goin’ home…… Till now.

Nie.. baru je lepas call my hubby, dia suruh aku bawak Along ngan Angah je g watch the movie tu… Risau kalu2 Adik boring… Ni yang wat aku serba salah nie… c what I can do

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